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Thereafter, when you call 911, the operator will be able to see your cameras as well as other 911LVC cameras within 1000 meters (over half a mile).
Details can be missed when we call 911 in a panic, especially when our natural inclination is to flee or hide. 911LVC will give instant live views of the caller's cameras to help the 911 operator answer these questions.
Live video verification from the cameras at the caller's location will allow the 911 operator to better assess situation and properly prioritize the emergency so that the first responders are prepared
Keep your first responders safe. With live video from the emergency location, you won't have to guess how many suspects there are, if they're armed or if the fire is spreading or if there are multiple victims. Real time information as an emergency situation unfolds will allow you to prepare with the right amount of units and equipment to help insure your safety.